Study Centre

The after school Study Centre is available for students in Years 7-12 and operates Monday-Thursday from 2.40pm – 5.00pm. I encourage students to consider coming along if they need help with their homework, assessment tasks or preparation for examinations. Study Centre provides a quiet place where they can concentrate and get lots of work done. Attendance is voluntary, so students must remember to bring along work to do or a book to read. Electronic and computer games are not permitted.  Parents, could you ensure you collect your child via the JBlock carpark pick-up area by 5.15pm.

Stage 6 Assessment Task Policy: Update for Term 2

As Year 11 and 12 students are aware, the Stage 6 Assessment Policy states that students cannot be away the day before an assessment task without a completed Illness/Misadventure form. The intention of this policy is to ensure that students don’t stay home to work on assessment tasks at the last minute and get an unfair advantage over other students.

We are currently seeing an increase of influenza and other illnesses in the community. We know that it is difficult to obtain a Doctor’s appointment when experiencing flu like symptoms and so on. For the well-being of everyone it is important that students don’t attend College when they are unwell. Therefore, for the remainder of Term 2, we are temporarily suspending the requirement of a completed Illness/Misadventure form to explain absences for the day before an assessment task. I kindly ask parents to assist us in maintaining the integrity of the assessment task process by ensuring that students only remain home if they are genuinely unwell. If a student is absent on the day of an in-class assessment task then the requirement remains the same – they must see a Doctor and submit a completed Illness/Misadventure form on their first day back at College. We will review the policy at the end of the term and inform students and parents of the process for Term 3 in due course.