Each Tuesday afternoon, Year 6 have had the wonderful opportunity to be involved in the High School Transition program.

This program, headed by Mrs Millie Pettett, Director of Learning and Innovation - Middle Years, has been designed to make the Year 6’s transition into Senior School as smooth as possible. It gives students a glimpse into life in the Senior School at the College by getting to work in Senior School classrooms with Senior School teachers.

Year 6 participate in: History, Art, Science and Japanese classes, rotating every 6 weeks. Year 6 have just entered into their second rotation with their new subject and teacher.

Here is what a few of the Year 6 students have to say about the program:

“I have loved art and learning about the different steps that can be taken to create an artwork” - Analise from 6S.

“It’s been great to experience what high school is like” - Zack from 6S.

“It’s interesting learning about a different culture and trying to speak Japanese” - Bronson  from 6B.

“I’ve liked working in the high school classrooms and getting to meet the high school teachers” - Luke from 6B

Year 6 transition