Wishing All Families a Happy Easter

What family traditions do you celebrate at this time of year?

At Easter time we can look to Jesus Christ and celebrate His defeat of death and reflect on God’s love for us which came at great cost on the Cross. Jesus rising again to life and offering hope for the future is a great message for everyone. We are excited to have College families attend the Junior School Easter Events next week and hope you can join us.

Easter Hat Parade
The students in Prep to Year 4 are looking forward to parading for our College families for us to admire their creative hat designs. There are four Easter Hat Parade sessions over the week.

Prep will have their Easter Hat Parades in the Prep area at 1.30pm with our 3 Day Prep on Wednesday 6 April and 2 Day Prep on Friday 8 April.

Kindy to Year 4 on Friday 8 April in the Auditorium with Years 3 - 4 at 10.30pm and K - 2 at 11.45pm.

Year 5 and 6 students will be hosting their ‘Eggshibition’ on Friday 8 April in the Junior School Library. The students have had the opportunity to design an egg-themed masterpiece for your enjoyment. It a real highlight to see the creativity brought into these displays by the students each year.  We are also looking forward to hearing the Junior Concert Band and Intermediate Concert Band play at 10am in the auditorium.

Please see the Easter Hat Parade article below for full details. Make sure you register!

It has been wonderful to see the students settle into the term and learn together on campus. We thank you for all your support through the many changes we’ve made along the way.

Praying you have a safe and restful holiday break,