The Year 12 Construction students recently completed a practical assessment for the 'Apply Basic Levelling Procedures' unit of competency.

Students used an automatic level and levelling staff to measure the rise and fall in ground levels around the perimeter roadway of the Maintenance Shed. They begun the process by taking a height recording at the door of the Maintenance Shed, which acted as the datum point for all subsequent recordings. Due to the obstruction imposed by the walls of the Maintenance Shed, the automatic level was moved on four occasions to effectively form a continued line of sight around the building perimeter.

Every change in location required the recalibration of the instrument before readings could continue. Upon returning to the datum point and thus forming a closed transect, students recorded a height measurement that was within 3 mm of the original recording.

It was a great opportunity for the students to get practical experience in this unit. Well done.

Mr Daniel Ellerman
Faculty Coordinator of TAS