Let me start off by saying Happy Mother’s Day to all our lovely mums for last Sunday.
I hope you were spoilt by your families.
This term in Junior School, we have witnessed many exciting opportunities presented to our students. One of those opportunities is Lunchtime clubs for Years 2 to 6. It is an initiative that aims to support students who struggle to be in the playground both socially and emotionally. Our aim is to encourage, support and give strategies when faced with friendship and game issues, which usually occurs during recess and lunch. So far it has been a great success. Stay tuned for updates.
Our Junior School prefects were invited to the Anglican Schools Corporation Young Leaders Day on Monday, along with five other Anglican Schools. The students spent the day learning about what it means to be a ‘servant leader’ as well as a ‘host leader’. The students worked alongside prefects and teachers, engaging in activities that enabled the group to think about how they could be better leaders and what they could potentially do to encourage our Junior school community, in how they could be a leader within their grade or friendship group without wearing the badge. I must say I was very proud of how our prefects presented themselves throughout the day, engaging in the activities, getting to know other prefects and speaking politely at all times when spoken to.
In the next couple of weeks, Years 3 and 4 will be having a visit from the Liverpool Region Police Liaison officer, to talk about the dangers surrounding social media which include talking to strangers online, giving private information, social bullying and posting photos. Year 5 and 6 will have their session next Friday 21st May. Year 3 and 4 will be on Friday 4th June. The College really encourages you to sit down and have a conversation about what they learn from the Police Officers visits. As you are all very well aware, devices can cause a lot of problems if not guided and monitored.
Thank you for your continued support of the College. We look forward to supporting you in your child's journey in 2021