Study Centre

It was my pleasure to employ another one of our high achieving graduates this week, Amy Milne, into our Study Centre as a tutor for History and Geography. We are so blessed to have such talented alumni to call upon to assist our current students as they prepare for examinations, work on their assignments or seek assistance with their homework.

Study Centre has been such a valuable resource for so many of our students over the years and it continues to be well staffed with highly competent and friendly tutors. I would encourage you to engage with your child about how Study Centre could be of benefit to them in their academic walk.

Study Centre is available for all students in Years 7-12 on Monday – Thursday afternoons from 3 – 5pm. The expectation in relation to behaviour is that students will be respectful and cooperative. Students who attend Study Centre must arrive on time with work to do or a book to read. Parents, could you ensure you collect your child via the J Block carpark pick-up area. The Study Centre operates Monday-Thursday from 2.40pm – 5.00pm.

Mid Course Examinations

In Week 5, Years 8 and 10 students will sit for their Mid Course Examinations. Students are expected to be in attendance for all exams unless they are unwell. Students should ensure that mobile phones and any other electronic devices are placed in their lockers and not brought into the examination room. Teachers have been working hard to revise with all their classes and join with you in encouraging your children to do their best. It can be helpful to point out to your child that exams are a great way to identify areas and topics that are well understood, in addition to identifying the areas that need more work, so they should look forward to demonstrating all of the wonderful knowledge they have learned and can apply! Best wishes Years 8 and 10.

Miss Kelie Munro
Academic Dean of Students