There was great anticipation and excitement as the Visual Arts Year 9 Elective class presented their recent task of creating a Futuristic Costume Design to their class peers and Year 9 Drama students. 

The art class formed small groups and developed a story set well into the future. From this storyline, they created two character profiles and a whole costume for each to portray the character’s personalities and roles within the story. These ideas were then echoed in the symbolic costume elements, colours and fabric choices. It was terrific for the students to see how their Visual Arts learned skills can be applied to so many subject areas of this visual arts task. 

The costume design allowed all students to be creative and gain a real understanding of careers that may lay ahead for them in design and within the arts. We also enjoyed researching artists who have created costumes for ballets and productions over the past centuries.

Well done Year 9 we are very proud of your excellent designed couture work!

Mrs Genelle Griffin
Visual Arts Coordinator