In the middle of this COVID event which is impacting the South-West, I have great confidence in the work and information of NSW Health and the Premier. They appear to have the tracking of the virus in hand.

What is also evident is that the virus is generally not transferring in school-age children. At the College, we are taking every care and precaution. Thank you for your partnership and understanding of all the measures. 

College photos take place next week.  The Captains came to discuss the option of a special ‘drone shot’ to enable that sense of ‘group’ that we all remember of Year 12.  We will see what is possible. 2020 is especially interesting for our Year 12 HSC students as you might imagine. While some changes have been made to HSC guidelines, the students are still working towards HSC assessment and examination calendars. 

It is an uncertain time, yet we also know that universities still need to fill their enrolments in 2021 and we should be optimistic about the future for our young people in Year 12.

In our development plans, the oval lights have been installed; the new College Uniform Shop is on schedule for a late Term 3 opening; the new Senior School Student Reception area is taking shape and our remodelled College Administration Centre is working well.

We intend to broadcast again on the Thomas Hassall TV platform and will continue to bring COVID updates to you across the coming days and weeks.

Thanks again for your support at this time.

"But Christ is faithful as the Son over God's house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory." And we are God's house, if we keep our courage and remain confident in our hope in Christ." Hebrews 3:6