Online Resources Assist Students to Make Vital Course and Career Choices

One of the many positives that are coming out of the current restrictions on meetings face to face, is the wide variety of high quality, online experiences that have been developed to assist students get the information, encouragement and inspiration that they need to make wise choices for the future.

Last term, we covered the outstanding new online Career Expo tools that are now available.  Although the expo is over and the institutions are not present in real-time at their virtual stalls, the rich resources that have been collected are still available and there is adequate direction for students to get questions to those who can assist.

The big area of choice for many Year 12 students at present is the correct tertiary campus and course to apply for.  Providers have mounted a wide range of Virtual campus tours and online Open Days where questions can be answered and guidance given.  These are all advertised clearly in the weekly Careers Bulletin that is emailed to all Year 12 students and is available on the Careers section of the College Website.  Many big online events are also emailed directly to Year 12 students. 

Parents and friends can assist students by encouraging them to take the initiative to register and access these high-quality introductions.  Many aspects that students may not have thought of will be covered there.  Students need to be exploring intelligently and can utilise Job Jump to help them get key answers.

We have four Year 12 students doing nurse training at present and each one of them is trying hard, despite the very difficult circumstances of the present restrictions that severely hamper their clinical experience requirements and face to face demonstration.  Rose G is one of these, and we are delighted to be able to congratulate her on attaining 90% and second in her inter-school class for her recent mid-year exam.  She is one of many current Year 12 stalwarts who are heroically getting on with their studies and preparation for the future and not allowing the difficult circumstances of this year get the better of them.  As a Careers Advisor, I am very impressed and congratulate them on their superb efforts. 

Let us all keep encouraging this Year 12 cohort who have had to face tests to their patience and equanimity like no other year group ever has.  Well done students!

Mr Jim Ward   
Careers Advisor