Where has the year gone? How are we already halfway through the year?

Over the past 2 terms we have been looking at the theme ‘Loving relationships’ for Chapel and devotions. We have seen how people were made to be in relationship with each other and with God. We have also seen the great lengths Jesus went through to bring us into perfect relationship with God.

On Wednesday the Senior School had their final chapel for Term 2 where I spoke on the final talk for loving relationships.

The students were able to see that Jesus loves and accepts ANYONE who turns and trust Him. In this chapel we looked at a parable that Jesus told to the Pharisees because they were angry that Jesus was meeting with ‘sinners’. The parable that Jesus told was the famous Parable of 'The Prodigal Son.'  If you are unfamiliar with this parable it is about a loving dad who has two sons.  One of the sons asked for his Father's inheritance early so he could go off and enjoy life on his own.  However, he quickly wasted all of the money that he had and struggled to even find food to eat. When the son finally came to his senses he realised how much better life was with his dad, and how much better off even the servants were at his father’s house.  So, he decided to make his way back home.  Here in the story we see the Dad running to his son, when his son was still far off, and throwing his arms around him and preparing a great celebration because his dear son had returned. His Father showed forgiveness to his son even though his son's actions would have hurt him deeply.

This talk was the climax of the series, a story of God's relationship with us. The Bible says that we were all once like this boy. We have rejected God’s rule and wanted to go off and live our own lives with ourselves as king. BUT we see that God loves us so much that he is waiting for us with his arms out open ready to forgive us.

Tim Keller, one of my favourite Authors says this -  "We are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared believe, yet at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope.”

What a great way to end the term and the series on 'Loving Relationships' to be reminded of God unchanging love for all of us gives us certain hope.

I pray that you all have a great break and we look forward to seeing you all next term.

God bless.