You may have noticed the Australia Post, 'Dear Australia' TV ads encouraging families around the nation to compose an open letter about this unique time in history.

Our wonderful English teachers have been encouraging students to get involved and use this as an opportunity to share their thoughts about life during a pandemic.  We see this as an excellent way for our students to contribute to recorded history for future generations who will, no doubt, study the complexities of the last few months that stopped the world.

Many students have spent some time in class drafting the handwritten letter, but may like to work on it a little more at home. We have encouraged them to have this completed before the end of term and return the letter to their class teacher for mailing. Some may prefer to mail it from home. As your child is under 18 years, a permission note will need to be completed by you and included in the envelope or the letter will not be kept for the archive. The address is Dear Australia, Locked Bag Australia 9999. Make sure you and your child sign the permission note and include their name. Letters need to be submitted by 18th August 2020.

Hopefully, they will enjoy capturing the positive, negatives and firsts of the experience. You might like to contribute a letter as a family! 

FAQs and more details on the Australia Post 'Dear Australia' initiative can be found on the website:

Link to the permission note:

Happy writing,
Vanessa Refalo 
English Coordinator