Year 10 Work experience in the IRC
Last week the IRC had six Year 10 students assisting Library staff with a wide range of Library activities including stocktake for student work experience week. Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith would like to thank these students for their hard work and the professional manner in which they undertook these tasks.


Returning of library loans
Students in Years 7 to 10 need to return all of their Library loans as soon as possible.  Students who do not return their loans before the end of the year will be invoiced for the total replacement cost. Any students who require a list of their loans need to speak to Mrs Comiskey or Mr Smith.


Returning of Duke of Edinburgh equipment and Media equipment
Student who still have Duke of Edinburgh or Media equipment need to return them to the Library as soon as possible. 


Book Bites
Take a book bite to see if it is to your taste
The Magnolia Sword: A Ballad of Mulan – Sherry Thomas
“All her life, Mulan has trained for one purpose: to win the duel that every generation in her family must fight. Then a messenger from the Emperor arrives, demanding that all families send one soldier to fight the Rouran invaders in the north. Mulan's paralysed father cannot go, and her brother is just a child. So she ties up her hair, takes up her sword and joins the army as a man. Thanks to her martial arts skills, Mulan is chosen for an elite team under the command of the princeling, the royal duke's son, to whom she feels a dangerous attraction. But the princeling has secrets of his own, which explode into Mulan's life and shake up everything she knows. As they cross the Great Wall to face the enemy beyond, Mulan and the princeling must find a way to unwind their past, unmask a traitor and uncover the plans for the Rouran invasion . . . before it's too late.”
‘The Magnolia Sword’ is a wonderfully engaging and thrilling novel that breathes new life into this famous Chinese story. Author Sherry Thomas brings Medieval China to life in vivid detail providing a fascinating insight into the history, culture and traditions of this people. Filled with Martial Arts, terrifying battles, sinister political intrigue and romance, there is something for every reader in this great new book.


The Year We Fell From Space – Amy Sarig King
“Liberty Johansen is going to change the way we look at the night sky. Most people see the old constellations, the things they've been told to see. But Liberty sees new patterns, pictures and possibilities. She's an exception. Some other exceptions- Her dad, who gave her the stars. Who moved out months ago and hasn't talked to her since. Her mom, who's happier since he left, even though everyone thinks she should be sad and lonely. And her sister, who won't leave their house. Liberty feels like her whole world is falling from space. Can she map a new life for herself and her family before they spin too far out of reach?”
‘The Year We Fell From Space’ is the moving story of a young girl who develops depression when her life starts crumbling around her. Heartfelt and emotional, author Amy Sarig King has done a wonderful job creating a story that will allow readers to gain a better and deeper understanding of this terrible illness and how it effects so many people.  A major theme in the novel is communication and the importance of expressing ones feelings, something every reader needs to remember when they go through personal trouble. This is a novel that everyone should read.

Go! – Steve Worland
“5,4,3,2,1…Go! Fifteen year old Jack has just discovered the one thing he loves, and is really good at: go kart racing. With the support of his mentor, Patrick, an old race-car driver with a dark past, and his mates – Colin and Mandy – Jack must learn to control his reckless streak. Only then will he be in with a chance to defeat the best drivers in Australia, including ruthless rival Dean, and win the national title.”
‘Go!’ is a high speed, petrol guzzling, tired squealing story of one young man’s journey to be the best go kart racer in Australia. Thrilling, exciting and suspenseful this is a story that is bound to have readers hooked from the very first page. With a great Australian setting and a cast of unique and wonderful characters this is a great novel for any motor sport fans. A film version will be released in cinemas next year, make sure you read the book first!


Merry Christmas from the IRC!
Mrs Comiskey and Mr Smith would like to wish all students and their parents and guardians a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year!

Mrs Annette Comiskey & Mr Michael Smith
Senior IRC Library Team