The first is the expectations of all we the supporters and spectators with our long held hopes and dreams for the Socceroos; the opportunity to win through after so many years of trying to achieve the heights of a winning team.

The second is the actual performance of the team – the technical skills and culture of the team.  The coaches and captain have been working extremely hard over the past few years with this one World Cup event as their target.  They are expecting the very best too.

People associated with most organisations can relate to these two themes – one of aspiration and dreams for the best; the other a question of competence, skill and performance.  Here at the College we understand the complexities that modern life holds for young people.  We want to constantly encourage our students to achieve the very best and so do you as parents. 

As the term comes to a close next week we can congratulate many students across the College for their academic performances; for their sporting and creative performances and encouragement certainly towards improvement in these areas for other students.  It has been pleasure to be part of the Athletics season, with perhaps the standout performance being the Junior School CIS Cross Country team comprised of over 20 students competing at the highest level for all Independent Schools in NSW. 

Our Musical earlier in the term has been a significant highlight in the Creative Arts, and as Year 12 prepare for their trial examinations early in Term 3 we know that our Senior year is working hard to achieve the very best.

The Rawdon Middleton VC Sports Complex will be officially opened by the Governor of NSW, His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d), on Wednesday 22 August at Midday and we expect a full house for this occasion. On this significant occasion we will once again connect with members of the Hassall Family.  Rawdon Middleton was related to the Hassall’s and to the explorer Hamilton Hume after who the Hume Highway is named.

Finally, we have today invited all parents to be part of a survey about student use of electronic devices, and especially mobile phones in a review towards a better policy at the College.  Please take a short time to complete the survey across the next week to assist our thinking.  Students will also be part of their own survey next week.  Thank you for your support of this project.


So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him,  rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7