This club is operated by 15 enthusiastic students, who are interested in global issues and want to help our College to become more aware of the impact we have as consumers based on the type of products we buy. Fairtrade is an international organisation that works with farmers and producers around the world. They equip farmers with more sustainable agricultural methods, improved technology and education about innovative techniques. Fairtrade lobbies trade organisations, businesses and governments to secure better working conditions, higher wages and stable, more reasonable prices for the products they make.

Last term, the Fairtrade Club ran a lunchtime stall selling Fairtrade chocolate covered strawberries, marshmallows and hot chocolate spoons. We raised over $300 in order to buy and use more Fairtrade products at the College.

With this fundraising, students were able to host morning tea events for the PDHPE and Creative Arts faculties this term. Teachers enjoyed great food, tea and coffee made with Fairtrade products while learning more about how using Fairtrade items can have a positive impact on the lives of people all around the world.

If you would like to know more about what Fairtrade does, how you can contribute to their organisation or where you can start changing your impact by using Fairtrade products, please go to

Eva Chandrakumar 
Secondary Teacher - HSIE