The days are crisp and clear and the winter uniform is necessary to stay warm.  Students are drawn to the comfort of the inside rooms and Term 2 becomes the reporting term.  Every student will receive that formal feedback about progress.

In the recent release of the future plan for school education at the national level, the Gonski 2.0. plan, the design team is keen for the reality of student learning to match the rhetoric of what all schools say – student learning needs to indicate 12 months of schooling.  No doubt you will be interested in the discussion about our nations progress compared to the rest of the world.  At Thomas Hassall, we are working hard towards the goals of the plan.  Please find the summary of the plan at the end of this article.

Our ‘Leader of the Pack’ Musical concludes this week after a 6-night performance season across 2 weeks.  Did you take the opportunity to see the show; enjoy the wonderful songs; the fabulous set and the outstanding efforts from all the cast and crew; the staff, students and parents behind the scenes, and the brilliant expertise of our orchestra; our sound and lighting team – all directed by the master direction of Justin Fitzgerald. 

The superlatives are justified, and importantly, after nearly 6 months of preparations, the learning that takes place in such a project is never forgotten.   So much of what the students gain from the Musical (and indeed every significant project) is transferable into academic learning and future opportunities.  We are very keen to encourage the arts and public performances; to encourage the best pursuits in sport and outdoor education; the study of languages and technology.  Contemporary education offers much for our future adults. 

Thanks for your continued support of the College and our programs.  Our 20th year is celebrated in 2019 and as the new Physical Education Centre and Oval nears completion, we are looking to promote a 20th year project. The College Council is working hard on future plans and we will be looking for the ongoing support of our families – our students and parents in the next exciting phase for the College. 

'...Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?..' Romans 8:34,35