Leader of the Pack is a colourful and very entertaining show with fantastic music.  It's the story of Elle Greenwich who co-wrote the hits of a generation, including the show’s title song, Be My Baby, Baby – I Love You, Then He Kissed Me, Da Doo Ron Ron, Christmas (Baby Please Come Home), Do Wah Diddy Diddy, Maybe I Know, Look Of Love, Chapel Of Love, I Can Hear Music, and River Deep-Mountain High. 

As a College we value events that encourage students of all ages to work together and a musical provides one such opportunity. The Performing and Creative Arts help to develop the whole child and bring colour, vibrance and creativity to the wider College Community. The students have learnt an enormous amount while preparing for this show. As part of the process, they build skills in live theatre performance including the elements of acting, singing and movement. Behind the scenes, students control backstage management, lighting and set changes. Each and every role must be carried out with the needs of others in mind, immediately creating a strong sense of team and reinforcing the Biblical principal of serving others. Students grow in confidence, share a common goal and create lifelong memories through productions such as Leader of the Pack.

Well done to all involved, there are still tickets for the Saturday night show so why not come along, you'll thoroughly enjoy the experience!

Follow the link to purchase your tickets https://www.trybooking.com/book/event?eid=362639&