Others have achieved this in the years following graduation but to do this before leaving shows excellent dedication and perseverance in the brief time available for the one year activity windows that can only be commenced after the sixteenth birthday. Our congratulations goes to Christopher Collins, Cameron Eggins, Domenico Stambe and Ali Dursun.

The College has received from The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Australia (NSW Division) an official expression of congratulations to convey to the boys on this achievement.  We are indeed proud and pleased for them. 

This is excellent news for our whole College as the work of these boys in facing courageously the great challenges of Dukes at this level sets a magnificent example of careful organisation, resilience and driving persistence towards the worthwhile achievement of an Award that is recognized and revered around the world.  It is seen as the very top of young achievement in the activity areas of: outdoor expeditioning, sport, service towards others and the acquisition of skills.

The fact that our boys went well beyond the minimum requirements for this award and helped each other as part of an effective team is most impressive. Their self-sacrificial focus and thorough attention to detail sets a new bench mark at our College for others to follow.

We thank the Lord for this result.  Around many a campfire these boys have discussed Christian devotions and reflected on how Jesus leads us safely through life if we trust Him. It has been humbling to see these boys put their faith firmly into action as they have found the undergirding Spirit of God's guiding hand help them to keep going when things were hard, confusing and frustrating. This is the greatest life lesson of all to learn.

Thanks must also go to all the teachers, parents, friends and outside trainers and assessors who have willingly given hours of helping these boys achieve their Gold Awards. The commitment of the College towards supporting and resourcing the work of Dukes must also be acknowledged.  It is in fact one of the best investments in education for life that a school can make.

Well you others out there trying for a Dukes Award - it is your turn to make your mark and experience the intense fulfilment that these young men have discovered. Dukes has deepened their friendships, provided encouraging mutual support, and been the happy context for fantastic teamwork that has been transformative and incredibly productive.

An old explorer, balanced on some knife edge of danger, once summed up the subtle but crucial secret to ultimate success in the tricky endeavour of a productive life:

 "it is not the butterflies in the stomach that is the problem; no, the main challenge is to teach them all to fly in a formation that will inspire balance and victory."

You have flown well gentlemen - we salute you and the God whom you serve.  May He richly bless you in the tracks of life that lie ahead in the wider world.

Mr J Ward
Dukes Coordinator