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Police Visit Junior School

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This week, we had a visit from the Police Education Liaison Officer Alissa Briggs, who talked to Year 3 and 4 about using technology safely. Including the Do’s and Don’ts of social media. Below some of our students have written about the session. 


The police officer Alissa Briggs came and taught us about how to be safe online. She told us we should never use our real names in passwords or usernames and also how we should not show or tell anyone our private information. She told us how people can hack you by just a username and password. These people that hack are good so be careful, they don’t need all of the details. Next she said that we shouldn't be on apps or games that are not safe for us or just for adults.

- Ava D | Year 3 Student


Today in period 1 a police officer came into the school to teach us about online safety since some people like maybe you who's reading this weren't there. I figured I should do a review on what we learned about.

There is a reminder online called the three S’s , the first one is safe. When online we need to stay safe and take into consideration that we are with strangers that we cannot see so you have to be safe to stay happy.

The second is savvy, savvy is a word meaning good judgment and common sense so if someone asks for your phone number, address or picture of you just tell an adult like maybe a guardian or an older sibling but if threatening to do something like hack into your account please call police and let the adults handle it.

Finally, the last one is social, stay social with friends, family and even relatives but no strangers. You can't see the person's face behind your screen. It is so easy to lie online so talk with friends and family but no strangers.

Now that you know what to do in situations like that you can stay safe and happy adults are always available even websites like kids helpline, If you use kids helpline you can talk to people who have experience with these things and all your words are safe and nobody else will know besides kids helpline but anyway that's what i learned and you'll be happy you learned about it too.     

Stay safe

- Emilie D | Year 4 Student