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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Mrs Karen Easton

It is so lovely to feel like spring is close. I really enjoy this time of year as it leads towards the celebration events and fills the air with hope and optimism.

This week our Junior School enjoyed Book Week. The Children’s Book Council of Australia use this annual event to encourage children to celebrate literature and the joy of reading. It was wonderful to join with the students dressing up in costumes inspired by favourite book characters. I hope you were able to enjoy some time in the classrooms afterwards witnessing the gift of reading and learning.

Next week we will celebrate our annual Illuminate event which is an evening showcase of the Year 12 HSC major works. The Year 12 students have committed countless hours to forming concepts, developing ideas, creating and refining major works across multiple subject areas. These are labours of love and passion. The night will shine a light of the final products and we are looking forward to many of you joining us for the occasion. This is also an opportunity for younger students and their families to come along and learn about all that is involved in a major work. Can I encourage you to considering attending especially if your child is keen to explore a major work in Year 12?

Finally, it is with sadness that I am announcing the retirement from education of Mr Roger Young at the end of this year. He is an inspirational leader and I know that he has had a huge impact on the lives of many. Roger has been at the College for 16 years and has been instrumental in creating many of the programs and co-curricular opportunities that students continue to enjoy. Roger is also a man of firm Christian belief. He has always served us because he knows the saving love of his saviour, Jesus. We will have opportunity to farewell him later in the year. Personally, Roger has been very generous and kind to me and I want to publicly acknowledge his many contributions to the staff, the students and the wider community.

Colossians 3:16 
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.