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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Mrs Karen Easton

It has been lovely to celebrate with our sporting students over the last two weeks. Our Senior School students had their athletics carnival last week and it was wonderful to witness so many of them participating and cheering on their friends. The House spirit has really ignited this year, and this creates a great sense of belonging for everyone. 

We have also enjoyed the CASA cross country and a battle of the penalty shootout against Mamre in the CIS soccer quarterfinals. In all of these, I must write that I am proud. I am proud of our students for showing grit and determination; for giving their best efforts regardless of results. This is the mark of great character and how we shape our values and who we are becoming.

Next week we will acknowledge our bronze and silver Duke of Edinburgh recipients. We will have over 200 students recognised in the areas of service, physical recreation, skills and hiking. This is a commendable achievement as it reflects perseverance and commitment over many months to reach the required standards. I encourage anyone who is interested in joining the Duke of Edinburgh program to contact the college to register. 

Once again, it has been lovely to meet so many of you either at scheduled events or during the parent café on Friday mornings. Please continue to make connections with other families and enjoy the community of Thomas Hassall as you are able. When we meet and share common interests and aspirations, positive relationships are fostered.

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
    And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
    and to walk humbly with your God.

Micah 6:8