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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development

Thomas Hassall encourages families to take holidays within the school holiday season. Missed school can have a negative impact upon student learning. Nevertheless, for many of our Thomas Hassall community overseas family connections are important. Often this means travel to attend special events or visits with extended family during Term time.

When parents need to take their child out of school during term time, it's important to support the child's learning to minimise the impact of their absence. Here are some tips to help parents support their child's education while on extended leave:

Communicate with the School: Inform the school about the planned absence in advance and discuss with teachers the work that will be missed. Ask for any resources or materials that can help your child stay on track. Teachers will not produce individual resources for absent students, however, much of the work done in class is also accessible on CANVAS.

Use Online Resources: Thomas Hassall provides online resources via the CANVAS learning platform. Encourage your child to use these resources regularly. However, ensure YOU;

  • Apply to Access CANVAS: To ensure you have access to CANVAS while overseas you will need to contact the College IT Department. They can provide you with special access while overseas. If you fail to do this, you will be blocked from this valuable resource.
  • Create a Learning Plan: Work with your child's teachers to create a learning plan for the time they will be away. This should include specific topics or assignments to focus on during the absence.
  • Set a Routine: Establish a daily routine for learning activities during the absence. This can help your child stay motivated and focused on their studies.
  • Review and Practice: Encourage your child to review and practice what they have learned before the absence. This can help reinforce their understanding of key concepts.
  • Stay in Touch with Teachers: Encourage your child to stay in touch with their teachers via email, asking questions and seeking clarification on upcoming assignments.
  • Encourage Reading: Reading can be a great way to continue learning while on holiday. Encourage your child to read books related to their school subjects or topics of interest.
  • Use Travel as an Educational Opportunity: If possible, incorporate educational activities into your travel plans. Visit museums, historical sites, or cultural attractions related to what your child is learning in school.
  • Keep a Journal: Encourage your child to keep a journal during the absence, documenting their experiences and reflections. This can help them stay engaged with their learning.
  • Review and Reflect: When your child returns to school, take some time to review any work they missed. Reflect on what they did learn when they were away. This can help reinforce their learning and identify any areas that may need further attention.

By taking these kind of steps, parents can help ensure that their child continues to learn and progress academically even during extended absences from school.
