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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

Sandy Wheeler
Mrs Sandy Wheeler
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

This past fortnight alone has indeed felt like the beginning of a new school year! The atmosphere has been go, go, go! We have had many events in both Junior and Senior school, as well as the great success that was the South West Festival. Without a shadow of doubt, it takes a great deal of groundwork to execute these events well. One of those components is our Parent Community Network.

The Parent Community Network have been influential in their support and dedication to our College events. Two major events (South West Festival and Father’s Day Stall) happening within several days of one another is no easy fete! The Parent volunteers have showed up here to college, placed themselves in our Staff Centre sorting, packing, and wrapping more than 500 hampers for the two events. Indeed, alone one can do much but with a team like our Parent Community Network we have been able to accomplish much. Your service and commitment to doing things well shows and I thank each and every one of your for your efforts.

Can I also take this moment to thank all our Junior School families for all your support in providing the products that went into the South West Festival hampers. Your generosity is unwavering, and we would not be able to achieve such greatness without your contributions.


I look forward to seeing your Book Week costumes on Monday.