What is it? An illustrating competition open to ALL students, Prep to 6.
When is it? Submissions must be entered by Tuesday the 12th September. These are to be given to the class teacher.
Students will be given some time to work on their entry at College, but any final flourishes will need to be done at home.
INSPIRATION: Each class will be given a story to illustrate. The stories used as the inspiration will stay at school and not be sent home at all.
Submissions: Students may use pencil, paints, crayons, pastels, mixed media and choose their style. Their entry must be on A4 paper and not be on lined paper.
Entries must be labelled with the story’s name, their own first and last names, class and HOUSE on the back of the entry.
The entry must be original, and not previously awarded any prizes in other competitions. It must be the student’s own work.
Entries will be chosen from every grade to be published in a Thomas Hassall Magazine. A winning entry from each grade will also receive a mystery prize.
Questions to asaville@thac.nsw.edu.au