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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan

At the end of Term 1 we have returned to our normal programs and progress is being made in every area of student learning. Its been a dedicated effort by teachers and students throughout the term.

As I write to you, we have just completed a very successful event. Our Movie Night on Friday night brought together many families together and with fine weather made it a very special evening. Thanks to all of those families who came along and enjoyed the night together and to our great food vendors. 

The Easter Hat Parade in Junior School this Thursday 6 April allows children, parents and grandparents to enjoy a great occasion at the College ahead of the Easter weekend and will allow us to reflect on the Easter message of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus.

The NSW Election outcome has changed the State Government and we congratulate the new elected members of the NSW Parliament. The College is located in the newly formed seat of Leppington and our new member is Mr Nathan Hegarty. Nathan is well known to the College and we look forward to an ongoing relationship with him. It is interesting to note that our families live in several electorates, whether for Local, State or Federal.

Important social issues are impacting young people and their learning. Mobile phone use by young people continues to be a subject of debate in families and the media, and certainly, educators, have an opinion or two about the use of mobile phones. At the College during Term 2 we will raise the issue again for parents and students. We are very interested in the use of a ‘phone pouch’ which is designed to assist mobile phone users to limit their distractions. Let us encourage families to discuss the issues and options with our young people over the next few weeks.

Year 12 are in the middle of the Half Yearly exams, and we wish them well. 

During the break we have 2 groups of students travelling to Japan which will be such an interesting learning experience for them. Let’s all take the opportunity of rest and reflection at this Easter time.

‘Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.’  1 Peter 1:3