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Talented Athletes Program

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Our Talented Athletes Program (TAP) for 2023 are commencing soon.

This year we have introduced some new offerings for students to join. You can choose from tennis, netball, dance, football (soccer) and basketball.

Our programs are run by coaches and trainers who are experts in their fields. They’ve had extensive experience and their knowledge in their specialised fields allows them to teach students to a very high standard. We would like to welcome our new coaches for netball, basketball and tennis.

The Head Coach is Mr Richard Sagar “Wildfire” Basketball Association Coaching Director and former representative player. 

This after school Development Program in Tennis will be under the guidance of Mr Stewart Wicker from the Marconi Tennis Centre. 

Our new Development Program in Netball will be under the guidance of our own Miss Dayla Tikeri, who has a wealth of experience to share having placed and coached at representative level. 

Find out more about our 2023 programs and register your interest via our website.