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From the Director of Operations - Senior School

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A big congratulations to our Year 7-10 students who have now finished their assessments for the year and would no doubt be waiting on their results to see the fruits of the work.

You may wish to engage with your children about their results, celebrating the successes and working through any results which are not what was expected. Each student is on a learning journey throughout their time at Thomas Hassall Anglican College, so please encourage your children to reflect on their approach to studies this year and to put some concrete changes for the year ahead. If you or your child needs to reach out, please do so via the Pastoral Care team.

The remaining five weeks in the term are filled with important learning opportunities, be it finishing up some theory and practical projects, or beginning to learn content from the coming year. Please remind your child to continue working throughout this important time. Whilst we look forward to the break ahead, there is plenty left to do!

Mr Justin Stoker
Director of Operations - Senior School