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Year 11 Suites and Songs

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Year 11 Suites & Songs

Last week on Tuesday evening 23rd August, Year 11 Elective Music 1 and 2 students presented a showcase of solo and ensemble performances; as the Year 11 ‘suite’. (Suite is a musical term for a collection of musical compositions).

The MRK transformed into an intimate performance space with a warm audience of friends, family and staff seated to enjoy the high quality performances from the students. Each student performed a solo piece in preparation for their performance assessments next week, and the concert concluded with a combined class number of their own version of Bob Marley’s famous “Could you be Loved”.

Prior to the event, the audience enjoyed a collection of sweets and hot drinks as they waited in anticipation for the performances. The event was also largely produced by the students, with them arranging the repertoire, set list, program, marketing, staging, tech, lighting and MC. This is a great opportunity for students to experience directing their own event, and a good taste of how to do this once they graduate and continue their musical journey.

Thank you to all the Creative Arts and AV Team staff for their assistance and support of this event too.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles