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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development

We are back into the flow of a new Term and despite the rain and the ongoing threat of COVID, there is a real sense of optimism and positivity in the air; life is good!

Yes, there are challenges to meet and assessments to complete, but there are many things to look forward to every day. We are back in community be that with our friends, our year group or simply being part of the broader Thomas Hassall community. I think that above all, it is important that we don’t lose our sense of gratitude for what we have – so with that in mind, welcome back to a new term with many great opportunities to explore and new experiences to be had.

This Term we have sport events that continue to provide opportunities for our athletes to shine or just to enjoy being active; Major Works are almost completed and being prepared to hand in; Year 12s are in final preparation for their Trial HSC Examinations; most year groups are getting ready to go out on Camp; over 200 students are actively engaged in various levels of the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. This well-respected leadership course is internationally recognised and provides students with a growing sense of confidence and a better understanding of TEAM.  Successful TEAMs are what most people aspire to be part of, however, great TEAMs do require something of each team member. Every successful team member have managed to meet the difficult and inevitable challenges and managed to overcome the obstacles. Along the way the great TEAMs manage their weaknesses with everyone being prepared to contribute to the overall game plan. Our vision at Thomas Hassall is for every student to part of the TEAM, growing in their understanding of what excellence looks like, in the classroom, on the playground, on the sporting field and at home. Thank you for your positive input as we endeavour to raise up a community that we can all be proud to be apart of.