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From the Acting Deputy Principal Senior School - Student Development

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From the Director of Operations - Senior School

Mr Justin Stoker
Director of Operations - Senior School

As we near the end Term 1, it is a good time for pause and reflection on what has been a busy, bumpy, but bright beginning to the College year for the Senior School. As we move toward the Easter break, I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the effort and dedication of staff and students throughout the initial quarter of 2022. We have moved forward together as a Team in our pursuit of being a vibrant learning community!

For the last few weeks I have had the privilege of acting for Mr Young and have appreciated the numerous array of College activities and events that contribute to all that is Thomas Hassall. What’s more, I have observed the passion and purpose that students and staff bring to their endeavours in the daily life and heartbeat of our College.

Preparations for the College musical, ‘Shrek’ are well and truly underway and students and staff are keenly rehearsing their lines and songs, costumes and props are being painstakingly crafted – a combined effort across the board. I want to thank Mr Robinson and his team for the monumental effort here to bring about such a production. College musicals, such as this one, have a powerful ability to forge and deepen students’ sense of belonging at school. It expands their connection to the broader student body, and new and lasting friendships are made.

As we reflect on the term, the concept of belonging and connection are at the forefront of my mind. What are the areas where students can broaden and deepen their sense of agency and belonging at the College? Musicals are certainly one, sporting teams, debating teams, other music groups and bands. Or perhaps service and leadership opportunities that students can take up after the coming break. We are currently looking closely at the structure and program of Student Leadership in the Senior School and considering and planning for some positive changes in these areas very soon.

Sadly, we have felt the impact on many clubs and activities that we have had to postpone in the Senior School this term – we are hoping to be able launch these in Term 2.  These include a wide range of extra-curricular areas that many students have enjoyed and embraced in the last couple of years. Coding Club, Chess, Writing Workshops, Reading, Calligraphy, Art & Craft, Leather Works – the list goes on! Let me encourage all students and families that there are numerous areas for students to explore.

Finally, as part of the Senior School’s Wellbeing Program, Paul Wade visited and spoke with all Year 9 last week on their term focus of ‘Change and Challenge’. Paul is a former Socceroo Captain, and played 118 games for Australia from 1986 to 1996. He spoke about the challenges he had to face as a player, the sacrifices and the ‘grit’ he needed to show. He even recounted to the students when he was tasked with the role of marking arguably the greatest player of all time, Diego Maradonna – twice! He also shared with the students his condition of epilepsy and how he has had to embrace that challenge and strengthen and grow his resilience. Students were encouraged in their own changes and challenges and to not shrink from them, but rather, rise to meet them – with determination, help & support and hopefully a dependence on our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!

I sincerely hope all families have a wonderful and safe Easter break with family and friends, and that there can be a time for pause and reflection on the challenge that Jesus puts before us, to trust and put Him before all we do – and indeed the sacrifice that He made for all. We need rest and refreshment over the coming break and to be ready for the challenges, yet great opportunities that await in Term 2. All the very best to students, staff and families over the holiday period.