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Uniform Shop

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You can now visit the Uniform Shop by appointment

We are pleased to advise that the Uniform Shop is able to have customers in store - by appointment only. Bookings can be made online. Additional times on Wednesday afternoons and Saturdays will be available from next week.

You can also still order online and this can be delivered to your home or can be delivered to your child’s class (once students return). Delivery to your child’s classroom will be weekly (Friday) and if you want to make use of this service, please select the ‘Click and Collect’ option.

The College Website has the full details of how to purchase online and includes a sizing guide to assist. Our uniform shop provider, Midfords, has an exchange policy for items that still have tags attached and not been worn and further details for this are available online.

Should you have any questions, please contact the Uniform Shop directly The College Administration team will also be able to assist with any of your questions on 9608 0033.