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From the Chaplain

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From The Chaplain

Denis Oliver
Reverend Denis Oliver
College Chaplain

New Covid rules? New Premier? Penrith winning a grand final? 

Life is full of change and this is especially true during COVID times. Even now as we ease out of restrictions to go back to school - more change is needed.  While change is good and necessary, too much change too quickly is stressful.

When there is too much change we tend to become insecure, conservative, less generous, if not plain selfish.  Sometimes in changing times we make changes for the worse.

What does God say in times like these?

“I am the Lord and I do not change” (Malachi 3:6)

This small statement from God is an anchor for the Christian as it effects the way we do life and deal with people. 

This little verse reminds us that despite all the change that God allows, his plans are changeless. God’s planned future for us cannot be threatened.

More importantly, God’s character does not change. In today’s cancel culture where friends can become enemies in an instant – God remains faithful. 

Knowing that a faithful God has your back and will provide all your needs effects the way you live.  We can always be generous with our time and money because we know that God will generously top up to continue to be generous. 

Think about it, if God gave us his Son to deal with past sins surely he will give us what we need too, not merely get through life, but flourish and become the type of people he wants us to be.

Why not join me, put your faith in God – live your life for him? 

While I don’t have my life together, I do live everyday in the security that this changing world is in the hands of a changeless God. 

While I don’t always make the right decisions, I know that God uses all things in life, both good and bad, to change me.  God is changing me to be like his Son in mind and even body.   

Finally, can I encourage you to find a quiet 5 minutes this week and pray for students, staff, and families of Thomas Hassall, so that we all can change in the right way. 

In the end, COVID too will pass.