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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

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From the Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School (inactive)

Luke Sale
Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Principal & Head of Junior School

I hope and pray that you are travelling well during lockdown.

We have just completed our 8th week of online learning. Last week’s news was reason for optimism and we are greatly looking forward to seeing students back onsite in accordance with the NSW Government's return to school guidelines with Prep, Kindergarten and Year 1 being the first grades to be back onsite, potentially from the 25th October. This date is obviously dependent upon whether or not Level 4 restrictions are still in place in our local area.

Over the last month, we have introduced a number of new initiatives. Among them are Wellbeing Wednesdays, which is designed to have less screen time and be more creative with that time. I have seen and heard how good that has been for some students to improve their wellbeing.   

We are now hoping to receive some feedback from parents and students about how you are doing with your child’s online learning. Therefore over the next two weeks, we are having Wellbeing Catch-ups. We believe It is a time to have a conversation with the class teacher regarding your child’s wellbeing while learning from home. You will be able to select a 15 min time slot and it is hoped that you will include both yourself and your child in this meeting. These meetings will occur on weekdays from September 6th – 16th, however the dates and times available for each student will differ based on the availability of their class teacher.

We hope you enjoy this edition of The Way, including some great images of our Kindergarten students dressed up for Farmer Friday.

Farmer Friday