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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

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From the Deputy Principal - Senior School Development

Roger Young
Mr Roger Young
Deputy Principal - Senior School Student Development

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.
And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”   Ralph Waldo Emerson

Emerson’s words here are an encouragement at a time where we could be very discouraged by the daily news reports. The prolonged nature of the lockdown and the uncertainty of what might be ahead has been a weight on each of us. Teachers are very sensitive to the current challenges for students: the isolation, the nature of the demands that a self - directed ‘online’ learning program may provide for some, the bombardment of mixed media messages etc all contribute to what children (indeed all of us) experience of the world. This too can be a weight upon young people. Nevertheless, the good news is that today, the sun came up; we all got to experience this. In addition, we each had an opportunity for new experiences and possibilities. That is something to be grateful about.

The Bible tells us that God’s ‘mercies are new every morning’, (Lamentations 3:22) and His faithfulness and commitment to us is very real (3:23). I am so grateful for this fact! One of the constant reminders at the moment is the encouragement to ‘stay active’. This helps me to jump into the icy cold water every day for an early morning swim. Guess what, it is really, really cold (13degrees), but oh so refreshing and outstanding when the sun comes up. This simple activity helps me to start the day with a sense of real hope and optimism. In the same way I want to remind each of us to look for the things to be grateful for.

This week I am so grateful for:

Our Blended Online Learning Program; kids learning has not stopped!

The alternative plan outlined in the Year 12 Webinar for the HSC Trial Examinations has provided some certainty, and a way forward for our Senior students.

Year 8’s chose their electives for 2022. They were making decisions about the future.

Assessments are getting done and despite the challenges; the Blended Online Learning Program is being well accessed and is providing opportunities for students to progress.

The response to the Lockdown has meant adjustments, but I am working with a great team that make adjustments to accommodate new challenges. Thankyou TEAM THAC!

Botany Bay

Before sunrise this week, on Botany Bay. Full of hope and possibilities, but not without challenges!

I encourage each of you to look at each day and be active in giving thanks for what you have despite the circumstances.

Psalm 106:1 'Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever'.