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Sport in Prep

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I can catch!

I can skip!

I can hop!

This term, the Prep children have been participating in a variety of sporting experiences in the Prep playground.

The children have thoroughly enjoyed exploring with stompers, completing obstacle courses, races, throwing and catching, playing cricket, dancing and shooting some hoops in basketball. Moreover, we have learnt how to play various exciting and fun games such as Cat and Mouse in the parachute, Duck Duck Goose and Rabbit in the Hole.

Providing opportunities for the children to participate in sporting experiences has many benefits, and these benefits are not just physical! Sport helps the children to develop important life-long skills and habits such as working in a team, cooperating, sharing, waiting their turn, being resilient and building positive relationships with their class peers. Learning to win well and to lose well are other important concepts for the children to grasp.

And finally, physical activity also helps the children’s brains to develop as well as their muscles.

One, two, three….jump!

Mrs Elise Hona – Prep Blue
Early Stage 1 Assistant Coordinator