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The Groove & THAC FM

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At the end of last term, we managed to squeeze in one last GROOVE event.

This time, we had Che R and Lachlan W perform a drum and bass funk tune, Evelyn K sing one of her HSC pieces with Mrs Hobbins, and Tiana P perform solo piano with her own medley arrangement of popular songs.

Alongside the performs, THAC FM has two Year 12 MC’s that provide news updates to students, and spin some fun and funky tunes in between the performances. This time, the one and only Joey A and Angus M, who did very well in the MC role.

We look forward to the first GROOVE & THAC FM event in Week 4 this term. This is an interactive way for students to enjoy their lunch whilst being entertained by our talented students. Well done to all of those involved.

Mr Byron Mark
Director of Ensembles - Creative Arts