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From the Director of Junior School Teaching & Learning

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Coding is a form of literacy

“Very few people grow up to be professional writers, but we teach everyone to write because it’s a way of communicating with others—of organizing your thoughts and expressing your ideas. I think the reasons for learning to code are the same as the reasons for learning to write. When we learn to write, we are learning how to organize, express, and share ideas. And when we learn to code, we are learning how to organize, express, and share ideas in new ways, in a new medium.” (Mitch Resnick, one of the creators of Scratch, 2017)

Next week, all our students from Kindergarten to Year 6 will have the opportunity to organise, express and share their ideas in new ways during our inaugural Coding Week. The brainchild of Miss Donaldson, every teacher and student will be exploring the wonderful coding resources we have in the College, and working collaboratively to understand these digital technologies.

Each student and teacher will have a day to seek challenges, take risks, make mistakes and learn through this experience. Ask your child what they learned and make sure you read ‘The Way’ next Friday to read the results.

Ms Lisa Hansford
P-6 Director of Teaching and Learning