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Some Updates From Senior Learning Support

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I just want to thank our parents for their support of our Multilit Extension Program which we run for students in Years 7 to 9.

This is a valuable program that helps our students who need to boost their reading skills, to become fluent before they enter the demands of Year 10 studies and beyond. Due to Year 12 examinations and the extra support that we have been providing for task assistance, we will be recommencing our Mutilit program from next week. If you feel that your son or daughter needs help with their reading, please contact me, Mrs Julie Smythe, by email [email protected] or by calling the College number and I can have a discussion with you. 

I also want to let all of our parents know that Learning Support also organises NESA Disability Provisions for the HSC for students in Year 12. Students who are eligible, and have suitable documentation, can apply for special provisions so that they can compete with other students on a level playing field during examinations or in-class tasks.  If your son or daughter will be starting Year 12 in Term 4 and they have medical, learning or mental health conditions, please contact me and we can discuss this by email or by phone. We also run similar provisions in other years.

​Please feel free to contact me at any time and I can discuss how we might be able to help your son or daughter,

Warm regards
Mrs Julie Smythe
Coordinator of Learning Support - Senior School