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From the Careers Advisor

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Fantastic 2020 Virtual Reality Careers Expo 17 – 21 June is a great success!

Advertised as “A unique virtual experience to help shape academic success, course & career choices”, this year’s online Careers Expo is state of the art in innovation, accessibility, and all-round usefulness for all Senior students, who should be looking ahead to develop several different Career plans. 

Once registered through the Inspired website, a whole new world of amazing resources and links to knowledgeable staff, who can assist Career search, open up.  Explorers start at the Entrance Lobby where guide Ivy greets you in a most welcoming voice and says she is here to help.  She points out the three main halls to explore: straight ahead is the Exhibition Hall with many booths of presenters, to the right is the resource hub full of information about training, and to the left is the auditorium, where an impressive list of presenters are all scheduled to speak over the period 17 – 21 June, on a wide range of inspirational and informative subjects that assist students on their career search journey.

The site advertises the offerings as:

Exhibition Hall

Visit with over 50 universities, TAFE and education providers representing NSW, VIC and QLD. Live chat, video chat, schedule a meeting or download course handbooks, videos and other resources at each booth.


Live daily sessions about scholarship opportunities, early entry programs, campus life, UAC & NESA updates, subject-specific exam insights, inspirational speakers, career guidance and maintaining a positive mindset throughout the senior years of high school.

Resource Hub

Resource downloads and videos from UAC and NESA plus live chat with senior teachers and markers.

The great advantage of this superb experience for our students is that it can be accessed many times for free and parents and students can access it together.  As presentations are recorded, nothing needs to be missed and there is no problem being prevented from looking at booths because of huge crowds all squashing in for a brief chance to explore an area. There is now a more leisurely opportunity to sample pathways precisely and more thoroughly. 

This certainly looks like the way ahead for the future as the logistical savings are enormous.  For the time being though, we rejoice that, despite Covid-19 restrictions, our students do not need to miss out on their Careers Expo this year.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor (7 – 12)