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Bon Voyage 2019 Year 12 - profile of Christian

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Christian is one of our more enterprising Year 12 students who is delighted to finish his HSC and is attacking the future with commendable zest and initiative. Despite his significant Cerebral Palsy handicap, he has explored many Career Paths and now faces an exciting journey ahead.

The enterprise and thorough pathway search that Christian has exemplified is most impressive and is representative of the serious, focused approach to the future of our current Year 12 cohort. There were times back in Year 10 when Christian felt like leaving and giving up as he faced enormous communication challenges and perceived peer group resistance to his natural enthusiasm and eagerness to ask questions, explore the world and initiate positive action to help others and overcome his handicap. Then he chose a Real Estate TVET course in Year 11 and persevered with mainstream subjects so as to overcome each challenge that they presented. He achieved highly with the TVET course and coped with everything academic. But that is not all.  He has vigorously been exploring other things that when viewed together constitute a most impressive menu of opportunity:

1. Christian hopes to continue his studies in Business at TAFE

2. Christian has started a small business in which he offers a selling service on E Bay for busy people who value assistance following up the process of on line sales

3. Christian is receiving training to become a motivational speaker to use his story of overcoming handicap to encourage others.

4. Christian is a great runner and he is training to qualify for the next Para Olympics in Tokyo and beyond. 

Speaking to Christian is often transformative as he challenges you to explore new worlds and make the very most of what opportunities are available.  His spirit is undaunted and his humour and courage are irresistibly  encouraging.  Thank you Christian for your fine example of what is needed to pursue success in today's rapidly changing workforce but also to dream important dreams and follow your heart.

We wish all our Year 12 students the very best in the applications and training situations that lie ahead for them. May they also epitomize this spirit of energetic enterprise that Christian has shown.  We have all been the better for his tremendous perseverance at Thomas Hassall.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Coordinator