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2020 Secondary School Football Programs

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2020 Secondary School program commences in Term 4, 2019

Trials for the 2020 Secondary School Football Programs were held during the last week of Term Three.

In the Senior school, the College offers programs for:

- Year 7 and 8 Boys

- Years 9 - 12 Boys

- Open Girls 

Congratulations to all students selected in the squads.  

Training for the 2020 program commenced in Week One of this term and will continue into Terms One, Two and Three, 2020.

A 2020 enrolment will take place early in Term One for any student who was unable to trial last term.

To apply Click Here and for more information, view the brochure

For further information on the 2020 Secondary Football programs, please email: [email protected]


Mrs Sharon Evans
P-6 Sports Coordinator