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From the Deputy Principal

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From The Deputy Principal (inactive)

Deputy Junior
Mrs Christine Bessant
Deputy Principal
The last two weeks have certainly been busy in the Junior School. It has been great to see the amazing talents of our students on the sporting field, on the stage and during our Grandparents Day celebrations.

The children have shone and I am so proud of all they have achieved. For some they had to overcome fear and push themselves to perform, for others performing comes naturally. I loved seeing every child take the opportunities given to them. Thank you for your support at these events.

We have trialled a new initiative this year with our Step into Prep Program. Our Prep classes welcomed special visitors to learn what Prep is about, we had a number of our future Prep students come in and experience Prep for the morning. The theme was ‘Under the Sea’ and both our current and future Prep students enjoyed stories, craft and songs around the theme. It was lovely to see how welcoming our students were to the visitor children.

We are working hard to eliminate rubbish in our playground. We are trialling some different strategies to encourage our students to be responsible for recycling and placing rubbish in the bin. Mrs Lawler started the ‘Return and Earn’ program last year and we are expanding it this year to make it a house competition. The money raised supports our compassion child, Jenny from Peru. We are also changing to eating inside with the aim of reducing food waste and rubbish in the playground. I would encourage you to talk to your children about the need to recycle and what they can do to make our community a better place.