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From the Deputy Head of Junior School

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This week has been like most in the Junior School so far this term and currently we are busy with preparations for the coming creative arts performances happening over the next fortnight.

Firstly we have the Years 5, 6 and Preparatory performing an adapted version of Aladdin the Musical. I wanted to thank the many hardworking students that have worked for an incredible amount of time.  Many giving up their own time to learn lines and make the performance something I know we will all appreciate and remember for a time to come.

Dr Andrew Campbell also came and visited us last night presenting on the topic of ‘Encouraging Healthy Habits in a Digital World.’ He is an expert in the field of Cyberpsychology and Child, Adolescent and Family Mental Health and has been working in this area for more than 15 years. Throughout his presentation he highlighted just how important it is to build trust in the digital space with our children and how pivotal it is to have a shared experience with technology.

We were deeply encouraged by the number of parents that attended the seminar and we are now looking at next year and the sorts of topics that might be of benefit to you and your family.  We will be sending a Feedback Survey for those who attended however, if you wish to suggest a presentation topic please feel free to contact Mr Sale at [email protected].

Mr Luke Sale
Deputy Head of Junior School - Operations & Welfare