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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan
As we approach the end of term it is interesting to reflect on recent events.

We had a difficult week at the College following the passing of Yvonne Khoury but at the same time it has been a special time of supporting one another, focussing on the importance of others and how precious life really is.  The funeral gave everyone a glimpse of the special lady Yvonne was and the impact she has made on those who knew her.  It has been heartening to see so many staff and people from our College community and beyond willing to help without fuss.  We have had a reminder of how God gives an extra measure of strength and holds us together during such difficult times.  I would like to acknowledge the staff team from Mrs Riitano’s Kitchen for their care and support and also thank our College Chaplain, Jim Dayhew for his leadership of the formal process of Yvonne’s passing on behalf of the family, including conducting the funeral.  In Jim’s article this week you will find a copy of his message.  The coming days, weeks and months will continue to be difficult for Raf, Jayden and Nicholas and I know you will continue to pray for the family. 

We have had a great term with several highlights in the academic, creative and sporting arenas.  We can congratulate many of our students in the pursuit of excellence in these areas.  MADE for Stage, our Senior School Showcase Evening was held last Wednesday night.  We were privileged to welcome Mr Chris Sebastian as MC and included an impressive Artwork Display in the MRK followed by a showcase of performances including dance, drama and musical performances.  Thank you to all who planned, performed and assisted on the evening.  Well done to all.  There are some images from the event included in this edition of The Way. Other recent events have included the Anglican School’s Choral Festival at Oran Park and the MISA Dance Festival – again both wonderful displays of the creative talents of our students and staff. 

Junior School Reports have already been sent home and Senior School Reports will be available in due course.  You will have opportunities to meet with teachers early next term. 

Let me on your behalf welcome to our Creative Arts Faculty, Miss Simone Rapisarda, who has accepted a teaching position until the end of the year to replace Mr Nicholas Lane.  Miss Rapisarda is an excellent teacher and now being fully qualified after her final practice here at the College, and brings the most up to date understanding of the curriculum and teaching strategies.

The College will be a-buzz over the holidays with activities and opportunities for students including the annual Code Camp and various sporting camps.  You will find a comprehensive list of things to do in other sections of the newsletter.  The Administration office will remain open from 8am – 3pm each day. We wish all our Staff and families a safe and restful holiday and look forward to an exciting Term 3 with special events and occasions to enjoy.  Thank you for your continued support of the College. 

“…. for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13