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Unite Week & Harmony Day

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Week 8 at Thomas Hassall Anglican College was UNITE Week, a celebration of the diverse cultures that make our College the unique place it is.

A variety of international sports activities and cultural foods was made available to students, and the week culminated in Thursday's Harmony Day. For the first time, students had the opportunity to represent their heritage in wearing the national dress of their culture for the entirety of the day. Thursday's lunch saw an array of international music played over speakers, with the togetherness of everyone being involved and dancing to music often not even from their own culture, one of the best events of the day, and one that signifies what Harmony Day and UNITE Week is all about. The presentation of the best of the best in international attire took place at the Harmony Day Assembly, with enthusiastic students (and teachers) explaining the place of origin behind their specific outfits. 

While the events of the entire week were extraordinary and some that all students enjoyed thoroughly, it also marked a time of solemn reflection for some members of the College Prefect team. A group of these student leaders had the opportunity to visit Unity Grammar College in Austral, and Amity College in Prestons, two primarily Islamic schools in the local area. In the wake of shocking events in the past week, the visits gave an insight into the hurt brought upon the entire community, and the fruitful discussions between the students and teachers of the various Colleges allowed a look into a culture different from their own, a key aspect of UNITE Week. 

Ultimately UNITE Week and Harmony Day were some of the best events I have had the pleasure of being a part of during my time at the College, and I hope that the enormous efforts that went into making it happen by many students and teachers allow this to continue in years to come.

Michael Algeri
on behalf of the Student Leadership Team