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Parenting Courses in 2019

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The Bringing Up Great Kids program uses ideas of mindfulness and reflection to support parents.

They help to  to review and enhance their interaction and connection with their children.

Through the program parents of children aged up to 10 years will explore:

* Their parenting style
* Brain development in children and its influence on their thoughts, feelings and behaviour
* Important messages that children communicate to their parents and how they do this
* The importance of building self-esteem in children
* Ways for carers/parents to take care of themselves and to find support when they need it


Bankstown City YMCA in partnership with Families Together invites fathers, male carers and grandfathers with
children up to the age of 6 to this information session presented by:

Mr Bruce Chan
Centre Manager
BaptistCare Counselling and Family Services

Click the link for more information