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Toys 'n' Tucker

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Bring your non perishable food items or new toys and place them under the tree!

Toys ‘n’ Tucker provides a way for us all to come together to share the joy of Christmas with people in need!

This year we are supporting Toys 'n' Tucker - an Anglicare initiative. 

Christmas can be a particularly difficult time for many people and Toys ‘n’ Tucker provides a way to let them know they’re not forgotten.

How does it make a difference?

In 2017 4,650 Christmas Food Hampers and 2,917 gifts and toys were distributed helping to share the joy of Christmas and making it a much happier time than it might otherwise have been for many people in our community.

Place your items under the decorated trees outside the Auditorium and let's together make Christmas a happier time for those who would otherwise go without.

You can find out more by clicking the link