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From the College Chaplain

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After 20 years, Rev Dr Geoff Huard, Chairman of the College Council, was farewelled by staff last week.

In the pioneering footsteps of Thomas Hassall himself, Dr Huard recounted some early tales of starting the College. 

“Our goal was to establish an affordable, Anglican and quality educational institution. And so we wanted to call it ... Thomas Hassall Anglican College”

When Dr Huard read stories of Thomas Hassall, the galloping parson, he and the original Council were inspired by his exploits. You can read some here. Originally, the Council were told that the name had to have a geographic reference, like 'West Hoxton College'. Eventually, however, the name Thomas Hassall was approved. Dr Huard reflected, 

“If you believe what you’re doing is will persevere”

In the early days, the Council realised that there was a great desire for the College. At the first information evening, they didn't have enough chairs for people who were interested. 

“We thought if we get maybe about 100 parents of children from Kindy to Year 7 we’d be very happy ... but over 200 people showed up.”

Dr Huard reminded the staff of the fantastic opportunity we have in our community at Thomas Hassall, and shared a very personal story about the impact that a teacher had on him. He recalls that as a champion boxer he wasn't really interested in learning, but that changed:

“I wasn’t a great student. But two things changed that; having a Saviour and having a great teacher!"

He told of a teacher who cared about students, who worked hard with students who struggled and helped him to see the importance of learning. Dr Huard also shared Psalm 23 with staff and reminded them about the great provision that the Lord provides in the ordinary, in the extra-ordinary and, as host, provides for our eternity through Jesus death. 

“I lack nothing ... I fear nothing ... and I will enjoy God forever”

We appreciate and value Dr Huard's service and wish him God's richest blessing as he takes on the role of Chairman of Oran Park Anglican College.

"Well done, good and faithful servant!"

Rev Stuart Tye
College Chaplain