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Work Experience with the Police Force of NSW

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Jasmine Buttie and Martin Rouchdi were the fortunate students chosen to enjoy the excitement and action of four days of detailed orientation to most of the operations of our state police force.

Organised by Senior Constable Mary Watson of Liverpool City Police, our students were able to join with others from local schools to inspect highway patrol operations, the use of police horses, water police boating operations, forensics and aviation.  Both Jasmine and Martin were most enthusiastic and positive about the thrill of seeing police work up so close and experience the teamwork and quality of character and expertise that is essential to their success.

Each day there was a different focus as is reflected in the photographs that head this article  Students were able to ride in the cars, get acquainted with the animals and board watercraft.  Equipment such as bullet proof armour and weaponry were also displayed.  Martin had a go at a speed camera gun.  

The varied program has provided added incentive for both students to pursue a career in the police force but with different pathways.  Martin will continue at College and look to a tertiary degree training whilst Jasmine  will commence a hairdressing apprenticeship to get industry training before looking to go into the police academy when she has more experience of the business world behind her.  It is great to see how focused these students are following this valuable work experience.

The second session of Year 10 work experience begins on the 19 November and paperwork for this is due.  We look forward to hearing more news of the success of our students which abounds in the many options that are chosen.  Employers have been most impressed with the work of our students and many have been offered employment or traineeships/apprenticeships as a result of their effort. 

Well done Year 10 and thank you to the Police Force for this particular opportunity for two of our students.  It has demonstrated once more how crucial work experience is for providing maturity and focus in Career search and training.

Mr Jim Ward
Careers Advisor