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From the Principal

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From the Principal

Principal Ross Whelan
Mr Ross Whelan
The 2018 HSC is midway, and our students are optimistic about the examinations and the process

You will remember that time if you are a parent.  Many students have already received notification of early entry to University; some also to apprenticeships and TAFE.

The Chairman of the College Council, Dr Geoff Huard and I will be sending you a letter next week to inform you regarding the direction for the College over the next few years.  We know the economic pressures for all of us and Dr Huard will write about fees for next year.  In addition we have a Strategic Plan document for your information and notice about a parent survey to assist the College leadership in terms of your opinions about our processes and practices.  I trust the documents will be helpful and you will be able to find time to read and respond to them. 

Today we have Part One of the Early Learning Athletics Carnival on the brand new oval.  What an occasion as you can imagine.  Small children on a very large oval makes for a great spectacle and we look forward to a lovely day.  Part Two for Prep, Years 1 & 2 will take place next week. 

Reporting season has commenced and teachers have begun the process to bring you a summary report of your child’s academic performance and contribution to the College for 2018.  You will receive reports in the last week or so of term.

Our Celebration program has expanded across the last few years and a letter was sent out to families of students in Prep to Year 2 earlier this week to indicate a special separate celebration for our youngest students, to be held during the day from this year.  We want to be able to accommodate all students and families in our programs and we trust this meets your needs also.

This weekend we hold a Junior School JAM Camp at the Anglican Campsites at Port Hacking.  JAM stands for Jesus and Me and the camp is a mix of lots of outdoor activities and some Christian talks in groups.  Many teachers attend and it’s a great weekend at this spring time of the year.

Thanks once again for your support of the College programs.

‘For him who is able to keep you from stumbling …to the only God our Saviour, be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord.’ Jude 1: 24-25