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Paul Kelly Cup AFL Regionals

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Last term the Stage 3 Senior AFL girls team competed in a Sub-regionals Gala Day called the Paul Kelly Cup

After four consecutive games the girls came out undefeated winning the Grand Final and were presented with an engraved South West Tigers trophy! As they won the Gala Day they qualified for the Paul Kelly Cup Regional AFL Finals which were held on Tuesday 12 June at Blacktown International Sports Park.

The team won two out of three games in their pool. Scoring 10-8 against St Patricks and 8-2 against Richard Johnson Anglican College. From Abbie Furley’s quick passes to Marley Rhode’s catches and the ruthless tackles of Annalise Panarello, the team formed some great plays with good decision making. Unfortunately, their overall goal difference meant the girls were unable to qualify for the Semi-Finals, leaving them 4th in the entire competition.

Overall, they demonstrated fantastic teamwork and positive sportsmanship towards their opponents. The mid-gala day sprint was competed by Lillian Evans-Wilkinson, who scraped in at 4th place. Well done Lillian! Mrs Thompson also represented Thomas Hassall with Teacher’s Kick component of the day and ended up with most accurate female kick!

Congratulations to the Stage 3 girls on an outstanding effort and performance on the day! An amazing achievement throughout the whole competition!

Rachel Thompson
Senior AFL Girls Coach